
    WBCSD stands united with the people of Ukraine and condemn the aggression and unprovoked war ordered by Russian leadership. 我们的心与每一个受暴力影响的人同在, especially those working for our members and partners with operations in Ukraine, 还有那些有家人和朋友在那里的人. Our thoughts are also with Russians who stand with bravery against the attack.

    Businesses are planning for the medium- to long-term issues escalated by this war. In addition to the immediate humanitarian crisis within Ukraine, the war has plunged global food and energy markets into further turmoil and will drive rising costs and significant increases in food insecurity globally. Business must also anticipate the impact of the refugee crisis and the socio-economic health of the countries currently hosting them.

    WBCSD is working with member companies to engage in the following supporting activities:

    1. 联合国特别工作组—— 作为对乌克兰战争的回应, we have been invited to engage with the 食物 and 能源 Task Forces as part of the United Nations Global Crisis Response Group formed by the UN Secretary General. 通过这些工作组, we are providing access to business insights and analytical capabilities, 支持私营机构参与, 动员商业行动. The following four business actions were brought into discussions at the World Economic Forum in Davos in May:

    • 在这个动荡时期,对利润保持敏感. Actions must not accelerate the rapidly rising costs of food and agricultural inputs and should calm the global food commodities market to decrease prices. This includes facilitating access to key inputs, such as fertilizers and grains.
    • Develop collective plans to ensure that farmers in Ukraine can sell and move 2022 harvests, 包括铁路和卡车配送网络的发展.
    • 优先投资可再生能源转型, as well as contracts and farmer support mechanisms to smallholder farmers, and to countries and regions where input and food prices have had the highest spikes.
    • Facilitate production and global distribution logistics 哪一个 help remove trade barriers, 重新制定公共政策, 并加大力度推动有效使用化肥.

    2. WBCSD的食物 & 促进公平生计的农业途径工作 On 29 April we convened the first in a series of discussions and implementation trainings on Migrant Workers and Refugees in times of Conflict and Supplier Engagement, together with the Institute for Human Rights and Business and the International Organization for Migration. The next dialogue will be co-hosted with the Farmer Income Lab, focusing on best procurement practices and it will take place in May. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 露丝•托马斯.

    3. 〇支持乌克兰 我们的全球网络伙伴, CSR乌克兰, has created a selection of vetted charities and foundations in Ukraine that you and your employees can support. 下面提供了更多相关信息.



    If you are considering your next wave of corporate and/or employee giving, then please consider the organizations that our 全球网络 Partner CSR乌克兰 has kindly vetted and recommended as excellent recipients of your aid:

    • Let's Help基金会是一个基础 帮助乌克兰的老年人. Under the Foundation umbrella there are ten thousands of elderly people and 127 nursing centers in 10 regions of Ukraine.
    • 帮助乌克兰.Center, a foundation 哪一个 provides humanitarian and medical aid to Ukraine and logistics support to transport aid from Europe into Ukraine. 
    • 280天慈善基金, a fund 哪一个 supports pregnant women and newborns and works in order to reduce the number of pregnancy complications in Ukraine.
    • “我们帮助”, 一个非政府组织, 战前, 从事残疾儿童的康复工作, but is now helping with the evacuation of families and children from areas and affected by the war, 并为他们提供庇护.
    • SpivDiya, a national platform of 20+ youth hubs in different regions of Ukraine, 重点是青年就业和青年心理健康.
    • CSR乌克兰WBCSD的全球网络合作伙伴及其 茎的女孩 倡议, 哪一个 unites 100 STEM chapters in schools and Universities all over Ukraine, 帮助重建受损或被毁的学校, and purchase STEM equipment to help girls to get interested in STEM. 

    If you or your employees are able and interested in giving to any of the above organizations, please 直接联系南车乌克兰首席执行官Maryna Saprykina她会很乐意帮助你的. We thank you in advance for you and your employees’ support.

    新时代赌场亚洲最佳在线娱乐品牌乌克兰6月21日至22日, GlobeScan, CSR乌克兰, 欧洲企业社会责任 and nearly two dozen partner organizations are jointly organizing a global 24-hour web-a-thon on the future of sustainability to both foster high level discussions at this critical juncture and to raise funds to support civil society and sustainability in Ukraine.

    如欲报名,请浏览- www.sustainability4ua.org/


    Read the UN Global Crisis Response Group (GCRG) Second Brief “Global Impact of war in Ukraine on food, energy and finance systems – Brief No. 2”. WBCSD为本报告制作了一份商业简报, 哪一个 highlights the key findings of the new UN GCRG report and helps identify six key actions the business community can take now considering the crisis diagnosed by the report. 阅读业务简介.


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